3 MISTAKES People Make Trying To HEAL AUTOIMMUNE Disease | Mark Hyman, MD

Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune disease is at the core of most chronic illness.

It's a signal that the barrier between us and the outside world is broken. Women are more prone to autoimmune disease. Perhaps that's due to modern stressors.

According to Dr. Mark Hyman, instead of addressing the triggers that contribute to autoimmune disease, western medicine focuses on treating the illness with prescription drugs. Most physicians default to treatment via antibiotics, which results in allergies etc, followed by autoimmune disease. It's gradual, and doctors don't pay attention until it's too late!

3 MISTAKES People Make Trying To HEAL AUTOIMMUNE Disease | Mark Hyman, MD

In many cases, toxins and heavy metals are a major contributor to autoimmune disease (e.g. mercury) which was often used in dental work—and antibiotics (e.g. Clindamycin).

In summary, Dr. Mark Hyman suggests the following to help reduce autoimmune and inflammatory disease:

  1. Drugs are not the only solution—they're a stop gap.
  2. Believing that once you've got it, it's a lifelong sentence—it's not.
  3. Complete missing of the root cause analysis for autoimmune disease—address the root causes and getting rid of them and identifying the ingredients for optimal health that we're missing and adding those in.
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